YPN Ontario Food Drive Total Announced!

The YPN Ontario region’s hearts are full of the generosity witnessed these past few months from the Give Food Drive campaign.  Members from across Ontario have opened their hearts and pantries to feed local Canadians who need support during this difficult time. The YPN Ontario region is grateful for everyone who has helped contribute to this important cause.

YPN  ON chair Joanna Kwant, Gerrie Electric, announced the total donation of $3350 and 3145 pounds of food.

Congratulations to the YPN Committee team who made this successful fundraiser possible:

Joanna Kwant, Gerrie Electric, Chair
Peter Mackie, Ideal Supply, Vice Chair
Sean Bernard, Ideal Industries Canada, Past Chair
Greg Gare, Electrozad
Nicole Griffo, Stanpro
Ilval Vasavada, Signify
Craig Moffatt, Hubbell
Robert Hennessy, ABB
Audrey Iozelli, ECAO
Magda Latawiec, E.C.S. Electrical Cable Supply
Sandu Cusmariu, Viscor

YPN committee supporter’s aka ‘Ambassadors’ of this GIVE campaign:

Sean Blake, ABB

Big shout-out to member organizations who have taken this opportunity to give back to their local communities through this Food Drive. Thank you to the following participating member organizations and individuals:

ABB, Rob Hennessey
City Electric – Hamilton, Ian Deacon
City Electric – St. Catharines, Kevin Matthews
EFC staff donated the cost of their team day lunches
Electrozad – Adelaide, Victoria Nevill
Electrozad – Industrial Road, Victoria Nevill
Electrozad – Sarnia, Greg Gare
Electrozad – Chatham, Nicole Arnel
Electrozad – Windsor, Ian Delmore
Gerrie –  Oakville, John Kwant
Gerrie – Burlington, Dave Stuart
Gerrie – Georgetown, Dave Frost
Gerrie – Guelph, Shawn Addison
Gerrie – Hamilton Mountain, Scott Deley
Gerrie – Hamilton Parkdale, Scott Deley
Gerrie – Kitchener, David O’Hara
Gerrie – Milton, Dave Stuart
Gerrie – St. Catharines, Tom Parente
Gerrie- Concord, Rob Fitzpatrick
Gerrie – Mississauga, Roosevelt Bird
Ideal Supply – Orangeville, Greg Massicotte
Ideal Supply- Head Office, Peter Mackie
Leviton Canada – Individual
Stanpro – Internal collection, Nicole Griffo

Another big thank you to our National YPN Day Ontario Region Trivia winners who generously donated their winnings back to the Food Drive initiative.

1st place: Jarrod Stewart, Satco | 2nd Place Marc Brownridge, ABB | 3rd place Nicole Macleod, Sesco.

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