The Inaugural EFC Award of Excellence Presented to Keith Rodel, Hubbell Canada
On November 10, 2022, Keith Rodel, from Hubbell Canada, was presented with the first EFC Award of Excellence. This award is a peer recognition to a retired member of the Electro-Federation of Canada who has made an outstanding contribution to the industry in standards and regulations. Hubbell Canada’s Frank Magisano, Director of Strategic Development, Carol McGlogan, EFC’s President & CEO, and Gurvinder Chopra, VP of Standards & Regulations, were honoured to present the award.
Keith is among the most known and respected names in the electrical industry. He has supported EFC and represented and promoted member interests with integrity and expertise during his 40+ year career. Keith has been a long-standing, fruitful, and distinguished contributor to various platforms on electrical industry standards activities. He was Chair of the EFC Wiring Supplies business section and the EFC Technical Advisory Council (ETAC) for many terms. He held similar posts at CSA and was on several committees as Chair, Vice Chair, and Member. Keith also contributed to NEMA. He was the Chair of the Strategic Steering Committee on Requirements for Electrical Safety (SCORES), a Canadian Electrical Code Part I member. He was involved in many task groups in IEC and the Standards Council of Canada (SCC). Keith received the 2001 CSA Standards Award of Merit, the Standards Council of Canada SOC Distinguished Service Award 2004, and SES – The Society for Standards Professionals Honorary Life Member 2012. His industry peers recognize that Keith’s collaborative mindset, efficient consensus-based issue-resolution approach, and extensive product knowledge have been a tremendous asset.
Keith is known to be an exemplary leader and mentor to many, promoting the Canadian industry position in drafting electrical product standards at the regional, national, and international levels. This award is a testament to Keith’s relationships, efforts, wisdom, and accomplishments in the electrical industry. On behalf of EFC and his peers, we thank him for all he has done for our industry.