Special Offer to EFC Members from the Ontario Energy Network (OEN)

For the past two decades, EFC has provided association management services for all of OEN’s industry luncheons, golf tournaments, Night at the Racetrack, as well as co-hosting their Annual Charity Ski and Snowshoe Day, with EFC, which benefits CAMH.

OEN CEO and President, John Loucks, values the partnership between the two organizations along with the event management services from EFC.

OEN provides networking activities and inter-jurisdictional information for all energy industry segments with a commitment to providing significant strategic networking benefits to all stakeholders.

OEN’s mission is to provide networking opportunities in support of the leaders of the energy industry in Ontario.

The following is a brief overview of the purpose, structure, and membership benefits of the Ontario Energy Network.


  • OEN provides regular networking opportunities for members of the Energy Industry in Ontario, with a particular focus on senior and emerging energy sector leaders;
  • OEN facilitates effective industry communication and increasing benefits for the membership, community, constituents, and consumers;
  • OEN operates as an inclusive association, open to all constituents who are materially involved in the Ontario Energy Industry;
  • OEN acts as a window to current energy events, issues, and opportunities in Canada and other leading energy jurisdictions; and
  • OEN supports charitable organizations or causes.

EFC members have the benefit of registering for their industry luncheon series, and the racetrack event at the OEN Member Rate.

Upcoming OEN events:

Sept 27, 2024 – OEN September Networking Luncheon | Featuring: Susanna Laaksonen-Craig, Newly Appointed Deputy Minister of Energy and Electrification | Register: https://cvent.me/NEKLlx

Oct 17, 2024 – 2024 OEN Evening at the Races at the Woodbine Racetrack in Toronto | Register: https://cvent.me/47bowe

Oct 28, 2024 – OEN October Networking Luncheon | Featuring: Jeff Parnell, President of the Power Workers Unions | Details to come

Nov 22, 2024 – OEN November Networking Luncheon | Details to come

Feb 21, 2025 – EFC/OEN Annual Charity Ski and Snowshoe Day for CAMH | Details to come

To learn more, visit OEN’s website at https://ontarioenergynetwork.org/