Quebec Women’s Committee Donations 2024


The Quebec Women’s Network committee chose the Montréal Women’s Center as their charity of choice for 2024

Since the beginning of the year, the committee have promoted physical and monetary donations for the Montreal Women’s Center.



About the Women’s center :

”The Women’s Centre of Montreal is a non-profit organization created by women, for women. Our mission is to provide educational and vocational training, as well as information, counselling and referral services to help women help themselves”

”From our humble beginnings serving in a strictly informational and referral capacity, we have broadened our role to accommodate the needs of women in Montreal, adding various activities and specialties to our lineup of services along the way. Today, we are proud to embrace a comprehensive approach all under one roof. ‘




On May 23rd , during the Lean In Event at Franklin Empire, Montréal, Many physical donations were given and brought to the Women’s Center in Montréal.


We continue to encourage our members to donate to this wonderful women center. You can bring them at any EFC event or at Franklin Empire principal office.







On June 14 , The Quebec Women’s Committee members when for a team building at the Women Center of Montreal to organize their children and women’s clothing section.

It was a great day of giving with great company !







At the holiday reception, The committee will ask our members do donate women’s and children’s winter clothes as well as winter boots . Our Committee will arrange transportation to the Women Center .