Thursday, August 20, 2020 | 1 PM EST | Register on Zoom
This year marks an important five-year milestone for EFC’s Young Professional Network. We would like to invite you to join the national webinar celebration this August. Special guest appearances will include the founders of the YPN and industry leaders, Jason Prevost of Leviton, and Swati Vora-Patel of EFC, who both played a pivotal role in launching the YPN network in November of 2015.
The Electrical industry continues to evolve and thrive with the support of a talented workforce – many of whom are young professionals, like you, that help power our changing world with your diverse skills, enthusiasm to learn and ability to adapt to disruptive technology solutions.
Together, with regional YPN groups across Canada, we will gather to hear from our founding leaders followed by small group discussions where we will share our experiences and best practices with:
• Working from home/returning to work
• The skills that have benefited you through the new workplace environment changes
• Staying engaged & connected with colleagues and customers (What’s working? What’s not?)
• Post pandemic vision of the industry, your careers and your day-to-day responsibilities
The Program Includes:
Opening session: Special guests presentation Jason Prevost and Swati Patel recount the beginning of the YPN.
Group discussion & Network Session: In smaller groups, you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts and experiences related to the pandemic in the electrical industry and in your daily professional lives.
Closing High Five Salute: Closing announcement and a coffee or tea toast to the five-year anniversary.