EFC 2024 Member Satisfaction Survey Highlights

Message from EFC President, Carol McGlogan:

Every year, EFC invites Official Reps and other key association contacts to participate in this important survey.

Thank you to everyone who took the time to complete the survey – as this feedback is essential in guiding our improvement efforts and shaping our strategic plan.  We are pleased to report that over half of the EFC member community had at least one representative participating in this year’s survey.

Our overall NPS (Net Promoter Score) remained strong at 68, confirming our general strategy and execution aligns with members’ needs and validating our performance at the highest and most engaged levels of our member organizations. We understand that aligning needs and performance within our regions and across employee level and member type will be integral to ensuring our NPS score remains consistently strong in the future.

EFC’s performance ratings remain well above standard and in alignment with member importance, which is crucial to ensuring we’re maximizing our efforts. With our newly expanded team, we look forward to enhancing the areas of greatest importance to our members: our statistical information, our codes and standards work, our advocacy/government relations work and our networking opportunities. 

Looking at the broader impacts affecting our industry, we once again asked our members to identify the top 5 gamechangers. Talent Retention and The Economy were identified as the top ‘gamechangers’ by members, with roughly two-thirds of respondents highlighting their significance in the survey.  Change in Customer Behaviour and Electrification Movement also held high importance, each selected by 50% or more of respondents. Emerging Technologies completed the top five gamechangers, with nearly 40% of respondents including it in their choices. 

Congratulations to our two winners whose names were drawn at random, and shall each receive a $100 towards a gift card or charitable donation, in appreciation of the time taken to complete the survey: Howie Pruden (Ideal Supply Inc.) and Pierre Huard (Stelpro Design Inc.).

The above highlights are shared in acknowledgement and recognition of the invaluable feedback garnered through the Member Satisfaction Survey which will be used to inform and update our strategy to be presented to our board. EFC continues to strive to support our members, provide great value through our various initiatives and be an empowered voice for the electrical and automation industry.

Thank you again for your participation,
