Thank you to the 2019 YPN Sponsors

This year marks the 5th anniversary of EFC’s Young Professionals Network (YPN). The network has grown from 26 members in 2015 to over 600 members in 2020 and is still growing till this day.

The YPN program is designed to unite young professionals within EFC membership from across Canada and to help build and strengthen their professional relationships, gain industry knowledge, develop leadership skills, and give back to the electrical community.

Thank you to all the 2019 regional and national YPN sponsors for your contribution which allowed YPNs across the nation to participate in Gather.Give.Grow events and activities.

The “Gather” or social events gave YPN members the opportunity to meet and network with other motivated, driven and like-minded young professionals in the industry who share a similar vision for professional growth. Giving back to the community is another important pillar for this network. In 2019, activities were organized throughout the country where YPN members raised funds for regional events and for the YPN national day. The amassed funds were donated to various charities.

Finally, young professionals want to grow professionally within the industry. Last year, YPNs were actively involved in the electrical industry through the participation on EFC committees and business sections as well as at other EFC events. YPNs also had access to events where the focus was professional development. Whether it was a conference speaker addressing time management or body language, or a panel discussion with industry leaders, YPNs were able to build professional relationships and gain industry knowledge through these timely initiatives.

Electro-Federation Canada would like to express our gratitude to all national and regional 2019 YPN sponsors. Without your generosity and your continued support, the YPN wouldn’t be the success it is today.


Thank you to…

National Sponsors

Ontario Sponsors

Quebec Sponsors

Atlantic Sponsors



Photos of the YPN 2019 Sponsors: