Riipen Hosts Virtual Internships Webinar

As a result of the economic changes caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, many businesses are having to make rapid changes. This not only means that more businesses are moving online but many are forced to cancel hiring plans and reschedule or delay internships and placement.

In this difficult time, Riipen wanted to offer an alternative that will allow companies to move forward. On May 28, 2020, Riipen hosted the Virtual Internship Webinar discussing the launch of their Virtual Internships program, a new opportunity for engagement with students. If you missed the Virtual Internships webinar, click here. Password: 4k^90=&%

During a virtual internship, a student or group of students will work exclusively as part of your team or to tackle a particular problem for a set number of hours. Virtual internships can provide the flexibility required to get your business the help you need and provide students with a valuable learning opportunity.

During this webinar, attendees learned:

– What is a virtual internship?
– Why are virtual internships a good alternative for my business?
– How to manage virtual interns
– How to set up a virtual internship on Riipen