The Stars of the Electrical Industry During COVID-19

People at the frontlines, from doctors and nurses, to all health care professionals, are the ones battling this fight for our freedom to roam. Essential service workers at the grocery and pharmacy counters risk their health every day so that we can help flatten the curve while having access to food and medical supplies. We are grateful for their bravery and strength as they all face the impacts of COVID-19 head on.

In this time of crisis, other sets of heroes have been emerging from the Electrical industry. There are manufacturers who are exploring new business opportunities to help fight against the virus. EFC’s manufacturer member, EXM has setup production of a polycarbonate counter shield which aims to reduce the exposure to the virus and other contaminants – a product unimagined for their portfolio prior to this crisis. Hammond Power is helping supply to numerous essential companies who have retooled their facilities to manufacture ventilators, masks, hospital beds and more.

Distributors such as Nedco, Lumen, Wesco and many others are critical during this time as warehouse workers and delivery personnel are essential in ensuring vital products are available and accessible everyday.

Members generosity and community minded spirit has also amplified. Panasonic North America has helped fundraise to a local food bank, and TechReset donated tablets to Burlington patients who have fallen ill due to the virus . Across the industry members are displaying their support to our health care personnel with colourful messages and initiatives.

These are just a few examples of the many heroes we call the stars of the Electrical industry. The ‘we are in this together’ statement has never been more evident. We express our sincere gratitude to all our members for playing an important part in flattening the curve.

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