Call for Nominations: Recognizing Outstanding Leadership in the Canadian Electrical Industry

EFC has launched its annual industry awards program and requests nominations from members for the following two awards. Recipients will be honoured at this year’s EFC Conference on May 29th in Quebec City during an awards gala.

2019 EFC Trailblazer Award
The 2nd Annual Trailblazer Award recognizes an exceptional leader who has been a recent catalyst for change by bringing new ideas, processes or best practices to the forefront in the industry. This award is given to someone who currently works at an EFC member organization.

Submission Guidelines
Send an email with the following details to Rick McCarten at by no later than April 3rd. Please include:

  • Subject line: 2019 Trailblazer Nomination
  • Award Nominee’s First & Last Name
  • Award Nominee’s Company
  • Brief description and examples of nominee’s accomplishments that places him/her in contention for this award (50-75 words)

You may submit more than one nominee for this award. EFC’s National Advisory Council will review all entries and select the award recipient.

2019 EFC Industry Recognition Award (IRA)
This award is presented to an individual who has retired, or is approaching retirement, and who has demonstrated a lifetime of strong leadership in the Canadian electrical industry in regional or national activities. The award recipient must be someone who has worked at an EFC member organization or has been a strong industry supporter.

Submission Guidelines
Send an email with the following details to Rick McCarten at by no later than April 3rd. Please include:

  • Subject line: 2019 IRA Nomination
  • Award Nominee’s First & Last Name
  • Award Nominee’s Company
  • Brief description and examples of nominee’s accomplishments that places him/her in contention for this award (50-75 words)

You may submit more than one nominee for this award. EFC’s National Advisory Council will review all entries and select the award recipient.