EFC’s Industry Video ‘Powering a Changing World’ – Call for Filming

EFC is developing a short video to showcase innovation in our market and how our products help ‘power a changing world’. EFC and members alike, can use the video as a marketing tool to attract talent to our industry, and to provide government stakeholders and others, with a better understanding of our market dynamism.

We have partnered with a production company to develop the video and are asking for your help, our members, in getting some of the footage we still need.

Below is the footage we’d like to capture for the video.

Please contact Christine Vilim at cvilim@electrofed.com if your facility can be used to film any of the following themes:

  • Robotics
  • Advanced Manufacturing/Automation
  • People working in an office environment – within an intelligent building environment that showcases integrated lighting, controls, sensors
  • Smart homes – integrated systems that connect to smart devices
  • Data centre
  • Distribution Centres that showcase advanced technologies
  • Research labs
  • Collaboration between channel: manufacturers-distributors, contractors, engineers, architects
  • Renewable’s

Alternatively, if you have any existing footage on any of the above themes that we can re-purpose for this video, please contact Christine. (Note: we will require footage that is 1920 x 1080).